To Baltimore and Beyond

As you all know, our first day of the babymoon consisted of some good ol’-fashioned hard work and some late night poker. Naturally, we were looking forward to sleeping in, listening to Walk in the Word, and having a slow start to the day before moving on to Washington D.C.

Well…I awakened to Justine asking me about the National Aquarium in Baltimore. I then quickly realized that she had never been there before and we started to brainstorm ways we could fit it into the trip. We decided that it had to be today, on our way to DC (we try to stick by the rule of not letting plans get in the way of fun on vacation). After letting our friends know about our newfound plans, packing our bags, and saying goodbye (and our thank yous!!!), we were now spending our Sunday morning driving to B-more and listening to  XM Radio “The Message” praise music.

Luckily, we arrived at the aquarium right when they recommend NOT coming if you want “the best experience.” Ok……

So, there’s lots to see here. We’re hoping that our nieces and nephews are reading this post ’cause we have some cool pictures.


When are eels not cool…(besides when they are shrieking)


Love the ugly ones. Just couldn’t take our eyes off of it.



The National Aquarium in Baltimore is pretty sweet. After all of that walking, we convinced ourselves that we deserved some crabcakes. So, we walked on over to Phillips at their new location (well, new to us). It’s back where the old ESPN Zone used to be, next to the Barnes & Noble.


The new location is awesome and we were able to sit by the water, outside in the beautiful Maryland weather. We ordered some corn on the cob and had a couple crab cakes before we had to head off to the rest of the trip.IMG_2231 IMG_2232


After an hour and a half, we arrived in DC and had dinner with our friends. Now we are trying to plan our next adventure (aren’t we all).


2 thoughts on “To Baltimore and Beyond

    • Oh, I’m so jealous! I love crab cakes and sitting outside is my ultimate favorite thing to do! I am wishing you two have a really wonderful trip! Thanks for the pictures!

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